About NATA

The National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) is the professional membership association for athletic trainers and others who support the athletic training profession. Founded in 1950, NATA has grown to thousands of members worldwide today. The majority of athletic trainers choose to be members of NATA to support their profession and to receive a broad array of membership benefits. By joining forces as a group, NATA members can accomplish more for the athletic training profession than they can individually.

NATA News is the premier magazine for athletic trainers. As a monthly membership magazine read by thousands of ATs across the country, we are the only monthly magazine dedicated exclusively to the athletic training profession.

NATA Audience

NATA Members’ JOb Settings
Secondary School24.19%
Pro Sports3.58%
Occ. Health1.87%
Membership by gender
Non-binary/third gender0.12%
Prefer not to say0.27%
Prefer not to self-describe.02%



of members are likely to share
clinical information and best practices
from NATA


NATA Members are consistent

of NATA members read the
NATA News each month

NATA News Magazine

The Official Publication of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association

NATA News is the premier magazine for athletic trainers. As a monthly membership magazine read by ATs across the country, we are the only monthly magazine dedicated exclusively to the athletic training profession.

The award-winning NATA News continues to gain recognition within the industry for its informative journalism and exciting design. We want to help you promote your products to the sports medicine professionals who are making buying decisions every day, and the best way to reach that audience is by advertising in NATA News.



“NATA members are extremely dedicated health care professionals who read our magazine as a source of best practices for the athletic training profession. Passionate about their work and determined to stay current in the ever-changing sports medicine world, they look to NATA News as a critical connection to their peers and the industry as a whole.”

Tamesha Logan, Associate Executive Director

Editorial Calendar

Dates and themes subject to change

IssueThemeAd CloseArt Due
January 2025NATA Yesterday and Today Nov. 22, 2024Dec. 5, 2024
February 2025Cultural CompetencyDec. 18, 2024Jan. 8, 2025
March/April 2025National Athletic Training MonthFeb. 3, 2025Feb. 14, 2025
May/June 2025Hall of Fame and Award Winners
Spring Buyers’ Guide
March 25, 2025April 8, 2025
July/August 2025Education IssueMay 20, 2025June 4, 2025
Sept/Oct2025NATA 2025 Recap
Fall Buyers’ Guide
July 28, 2025August 11, 2025
Nov/Dec 2025Entrepreneurship MonthSept 30, 2025Oct 14, 2025
Jan/Feb 2026TBANov 19, 2025Dec 5, 2025

NATA News Magazine Rates

4-Color1 month3 months6 months
2- Page Spread$6,866$6,661$6,526
Full Page$3,900$3,783$3,707
1/2 Page$2,775$2,692$2,636
1/3 Page$2,631$2,552$2,500
1/4 Page$2,088$2,025$1,984
*Rates are per insertion
Covers1 month3 months6 months
Cover 2$4,795$4,546$4,310
Cover 3$4,411$4,182$3,965
Cover 4$5,214$4,953$4,705
*Rates are per insertion
PRemium1 month
Advertorial Full Page$4,290
Advertorial Spread$7,552
Q&A Advertorial$7,835
*Rates are per insertion

Please note: Ads that use the term “trainer” or “training room” instead of “athletic trainer” or “athletic training facility” will not be accepted. NATA reserves the right to reject ads deemed improper for our audience.

*Any facts or statistics must be published in a peer-reviewed publication and cited in the ad.

NATA News Magazine Specs


2- Page SpreadTrim: 16” x 10.875”
Bleed: 16.25” x 11.125”
(Min. recommended margin- .375”)
Full PageTrim: 8” x 10.875”
Bleed: 8.25” x 11.125”
(Min. recommended margin- .375”)
1/2 Page7.125” x 4.8472”
(Min. recommended margin- .125”)
1/3 Page (Vertical)2.2614” x 9.8511”
(Min. recommended margin- .115”)
1/4 Page (Vertical)3.424” x 4.8314”
(Min. recommended margin- .125”)

Please note: ads that use the term “trainer” or “training room” instead of “athletic trainer” or “athletic training facility” will not be accepted. NATA reserves the right to reject ads deemed improper for our audience.

*Any facts or statistics must be published in a peer-reviewed publication and cited in the ad.

Advertorials: Stories That Sell

Combine the power of traditional advertising with the influence of storytelling. Advertorials in NATA News allow you to promote your products, services and thought leadership through the power of your editorial content.


  • Advertisers can reserve full-page or two-page advertorials.
  • Advertorials also appear in NATA News digital edition.
  • Advertorial is supplied print-ready.
  • Advertorial must be approved by NATA

Q&A Advertorial

  • Your executives answer industry-related questions, showcasing them as an expert in the athletic training profession.
  • Advertiser supplies print-ready file with content, high-resolution 300 dpi photo of interviewee and logo.
  • Advertorial must be approved by NATA


NATA is not responsible for omissions, misprints, or other proofing errors and does not endorse this advertiser. The opinions expressed in this advertisement are those of the advertiser alone and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of NATA. Statements and data have been provided by the advertiser alone and have not been authenticated.

NATA Spring/Fall Buyers’ Guide

Affordable Listing Options for Maximum Exposure to Buyers

Stay visible in front of thousands of athletic training professionals in NATA’s Buyers’ Guide, published each spring and fall as part of NATA News, the only monthly magazine dedicated exclusively to the athletic training profession.

When members are looking for products and services to meet their specific challenges, your Buyers’ Guide listing ensures that your company is the name that jumps off each page and prompts a phone call.

Regular Listing

$500 for 1 Buyers’ Guide or $850 for Spring and Fall

Listing Includes:

  • Company Name, Website, Phone Number, Contact Name & Email Address.
  • 5% discount on a full or half page ad in the issue containing the Buyers’ Guide.
  • “See our ad on page XX” prompt in your listing

Enhanced Listing

$800 for 1 Buyers’ Guide or $1,360 for Spring and Fall

Listing Includes:

  • Logo (high resolution 300dpi or .eps file), Company Name, Website, Phone Number, Contact Name & Email Address, and up to 60 word company description.
  • 10% discount on a full page or half page ad in the issue containing the Buyers’ Guide.
  • “See our ad on page XX” prompt in your listing

Premier Listing

$1,200 for 1 Buyers’ Guide or
$2,040 for Spring and Fall

Listing Includes:

  • Placement at the top of selected product/service category.
  • Listing has highlighted background.
  • Logo (high resolution 300dpi or .eps file), Company Name, Website, Phone Number, Contact Name & Email Address, and up to 100 word company description.
  • 15% discount on a full page or half page ad in the issue containing the Buyers’ Guide.
  • “See our ad on page XX” prompt in your listing


Beyond our traditional print advertising options, we offer special products that give advertisers the opportunity to draw extra attention to a specific product, initiative or promotional campaign through targeted, custom NATA News mailings.

Target your audience. Special products are available to all NATA members or specific subgroups.

Poster InsertTIP IN POSTER
24” x 18” folded down to 6” x 9” 4/0 on 60# gloss text
5” x 7” 4/4 on 7 pt.

Pricing is specific to each product and quantity. For more information, contact your account executive.


The NATA website offers comprehensive information for athletic trainers, associated professionals and the public in a dynamic, easy-to-use format.

Rates and Specs

4-ColorDisplayDeliverables3 months6 months9 months12 months
Mega Menu SpotlightDynamic180 x 150 ad + Click through URL$1,000$800$600$475
Wide Skyscraper
Located on the About page
Dynamic160 x 600 ad + Click through URL$2,000$1,500$1,200$950
Located on the Home page
Dynamic728 x 90 ad + Click through URL$2,500$2,000$1,500$1,200
Page CurlDynamic400px x 400px ad + Click through URL
• Design Requirements: Half of the space (bottom left) will not be displayed;
triangle in top left will always be displayed
• File format: GIF or JPG only, no animated GIF
• Click here to see the example live

Please note: Ads that use the term “trainer” or “training room” instead of “athletic trainer” or “athletic training facility” will not be accepted. NATA reserves the right to reject ads deemed improper for our audience.

Prospective Student Section

Companies looking to market higher education, training, or even products to students looking at the AT profession should start here. With exclusive static display ads, advertisers can be confident their message will be seen. https://www.nata.org/prospective-students







Rates and Specs

PlacementDeliverables1 month
Leaderboard728×90 ad + Click through URL$1,000
Left Top Skyscraper160×600 ad + Click through URL$850
Right Top Skyscraper160×600 ad + Click through URL$850
Left Bottom Skyscraper160×600 ad + Click through URL$700
Right Bottom Skyscraper160×600 ad + Click through URL$700
Lower Banner728×90 ad + Click through URL$500

*stats are for December 1, 2022- December 1, 2023

Retargeting Campaign

Retargeting is a type of digital advertising that enables marketers to create highly targeted ad campaigns that reach their desired audience across the internet. By utilizing retargeting technology on association websites, marketers capture a prequalified audience to turn association members and supporters into customers of their own. 

Provide your campaign budget and your ads will run until contracted impressions are met on NATA’s websites. Submitting all materials as recommended will provide the highest placement rate and allow the system to best optimize your ad campaign for performance. Keep the message simple and the text as large and easy-to-read as possible.


Display$40 CPMMinimum of 40k*
Video$75 CPMMinimum of 40k*

*All orders are required to have a minimum of 40k impressions per month.


Advertiser to provide the materials as noted for the contracted display ads or video for the Retargeting Campaign:

Required Display Ad Assets:

Display banners for both desktop and mobile in all of these sizes:

  • 300×250
  • 300×600
  • 160×600
  • Click-through URL
  • 320×50
  • 300×50
  • 728×90

Required Video Ad Assets:

Aspect Ratio:


Recommended Size:



>=2500 kbps

Lower quality than 2500 kbps supported but not advised due to limited demand 

Recommended Ad Formats:

  • JPG or PNG (Static Image) 
  • GIF (Animated – Max. 15 seconds of looping) 

There is a minimum of 40,000 impressions/month.

eNewsletters at a Glance

Leaderboard Package: $2,550
Provide one Leaderboard for placement in all 3 eNewsletters for 1 month.

Range of Motion

Sent each Monday and provides members with the latest news from NATA and the sports medicine world as a whole




Avg. Unique opens

Placement1 Month
Banner 2$1,530
Banner 3$1,400
Sponsored Content$1,200

Member Monthly


Avg. Circulation


Avg. Unique Opens

Placement1 month
Banner 2$1,147
Banner 3$1,050
Sponsored Content$900

State Leaders eNews

Quarterly eNewsletters sent to specific segments of the NATA membership that tackle topics unique to their audience.




Avg. opens

placement1 month
Banner 2$550
Banner 3$500
Sponsored Content$500

Range of Motion Enewsletter






Avg. Unique opens

Range of Motion is sent each Monday and provides members with the latest news from NATA and the sports medicine world as a whole.

Placementdeliverables1 Month3 Months
Leaderboard728×90 ad + Click through URL$1,700$5,100
Banner 2468×60 px ad + Click through URL$1,530$4,600
Skyscraper120×600 px ad + Click through URL$1,530$4,600
Banner 3468×60 px ad + Click through URL$1,400$4,200
Sponsored Content280×195 px image, 5-7 word headline,
100-word description and link to
the article of your choice

*Average for July 31, 2023 – Aug. 1, 2024

Member Monthly Enewsletter




Avg. Circulation


Avg. Unique Opens

Monthly enewsletter providing overview of NATA member benefits. This newsletter is sent the third Thursday of the month.

PlacementDeliverables1 month
Leaderboard728×90 px ad + Click through URL$1,275
Banner 2468×60 px ad + Click through URL$1,147
Banner 3468×60 px ad + Click through URL$1,050
Sponsored Content280×195 px image, 5-7 word headline,
100-word description and link to
the article of your choice

*Average for Aug 1, 2022-July 31, 2023

State Leaders eNewsletter






Open Rate

Quarterly eNewsletter sent to State Leaders of the NATA membership that tackle topics unique to their audience.

placementdeliverables1 month
Leaderboard728×90 ad + Click through URL$650
Banner 2468×60 px ad + Click through URL$550
Banner 3468×60 px ad + Click through URL$500
Sponsored Content280×195 px image, 5-7 word headline,
100-word description and link to
the article of your choice

Digital Edition Eblast






Avg. Unique Opens

Distributed monthly to NATA members around the globe announcing that the NATA News digital edition is available online.

Leaderboard728×90 px ad + Click through URL$1,275
Banner468×60 px ad + Click through URL$1,050
Sponsored Content280×195 px image, 5-7 word headline,
100-word description and link to the
article of your choice
Limited to advertisers within the issue only

Sponsored Eblasts

Let NATA ([email protected]) send an email blast to our membership as sponsored content. New products and services that you want the industry to know about right now can be sent in an email.

*Any facts or statistics must be published in a peer-reviewed publication and cited in the ad.

Rate: $2,750


Avg. Distribution


Avg. Open Rate*

*Stats are for April 2022-April 2023

Materials Requirements

  • Fully designed, ready-to-send email in an HTML file (use a testing service such as litmus to confirm html validation and deliverability of code)
    • All images and fonts need to be linked to the appropriate files hosted on your servers (no local files)
    • All hyperlinks need to be embedded
    • Footer to include Company Name, Full Address, Email Address
    • Header and footer must include NATA’s disclaimers (click here for disclaimers)
  • Subject line for email (40 characters maximum)
  • Pre-Header text for the email (75 characters maximum)

General Requirements

  • All content is subject to review by NATA editorial team.
  • Any facts or statistics must be published in a peer-reviewed publication and cited in the ad.
  • The use of the term “trainer” or “training room” instead of “athletic trainer” or “athletic training facility” will not be accepted.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser.
  • Materials that do not meet stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Ask your account executive for submission processes and deadlines.

Social Media

Distribute your message through NATA’s social media.

X: 30,000+ followers — @NATA1950

Facebook: 31,947 followers — NATA1950

Instagram: 16,757 followers — NATA1950

LinkedIn: 21,000 followers — NATA

1 Facebook post, 1 Instagram post, 1 X Post, 1 LinkedIn Post

Rate: $1,500

Materials Requirements

PlacementFeed Image Dimensions and GuidelinesFeed Ad Character Limits
Facebook• Recommed. News Feed image size: 1200×900 px
• News Feed image ratio: 4:3
• Recommended formats: JPG and PNG
• Text: 90 characters (longer posts may
be truncated on small screens)
• Call to action with URL
X• Twitter in-stream photo: Minimum- 600×335 px; Maximum- 1024×512
• Maximum file size: 5 MB for photos and 3 MB for animated GIFs.
• Text: fewer than 280
• Call to action with URL
Instagram• Instagram photos: width-between 320 and 1080 px
• Aspect ratio: 1.91:1 and 4:5
• 2,200 character limit (truncated at 125)
• Call to action with URL
LinkedIn• Size Limit: 5 MB
• Recommended specs: 1,200 x 627 pixels
• Image ratio: 3:1 to 2:3
• Recommended formats: JPG, GIF, and PNG
• Text: 100 characters (with spaces) recommended; 140 max
• Call to action with URL

Sponsored Blog Post on NATA Now

109,343 Total Pageviews

Looking for content? Share product details, industry insight from your company’s perspective, or anything relevant to ATs with a sponsored blog post. Limited to 1 advertiser per week. 

Rate: $2,000

Materials requirements

  • Photo size: 720 x 514 px; 72 dpi
  • Word count: 400-700 
  • Disclaimer that will be used with posts: NATA is not responsible for omissions, misprints, or other proofing errors and does not endorse this advertiser. The opinions expressed in this advertisement are those of the advertiser alone and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of NATA. Statements and data have been provided by the advertiser alone and have not been authenticated.
  • Tag that will be used with posts: Advertorial 
  • All content is subject to review by NATA editorial team.
  • Any facts or statistics must be published in a peer-reviewed publication and cited in the blog post. 
  • The use of the term “trainer” or “training room” instead of “athletic trainer” or “athletic training facility” will not be accepted. 
  • The word “Advertorial” or “Advertisement” must appear on the image. 
  • Blogs must be suitable to publish as-is. NATA is not responsible for any errors in content. 
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. 
  • All materials must be submitted in accordance with published deadlines and must meet criteria stated in advertising policy. 
  • Materials that do not meet stated advertising specifications will be rejected. 
  • Ask your account executive for submission processes and deadlines.

Omnibus Survey

Through an NATA-conducted omnibus survey, take part in quantitative market research collecting data on a variety of subjects in the same survey. Ask questions that directly impact your business and receive results designed to influence!

  • Range of Motion eNewsletter for 2 weeks
  • Member Monthly eNewsletter
  • NATA social media channels
  • NATA.org’s Hot Topic section

Rate: $5,000 per 5-question block

Limit: 2 blocks


Survey Content DueSurvey LaunchSurvey Closes
SpringFebruary 10, 2025February 17, 2025March 3, 2025
FallOctober 6, 2025October 13, 2025October 27, 2025

Survey Uses:

  • Market research
  • Measure opinions, uses and awareness
  • Define brand positioning
  • Review history across multiple surveys

Those who are interested in conducting academic research surveys should reach out to NATA Association Project Manager Katie Scott at [email protected].

The Process:

  • Surveys will be branded as paid advertising surveys, not NATA surveys, and will be promoted electronically.
  • Questions will be reviewed by NATA and must be approved before being promoted.
  • NATA may request changes if content does not meet stated guidelines.
  • Questions are due 1 week prior to survey distribution.
  • Surveys will remain open for 2 weeks.

YOu’ll Receive:

  • Results in PDF format including open rate and answers to questions 2 weeks after survey closes.

General Requirements:

  • NATA will have right of first refusal for all advertisers.
  • No demographic questions will be allowed because results provided will not include cross-tabulating.

Things to include:

  • Wide-ranging set of questions that leads to thorough, analytic results.
  • Quantitative questions (yes/no, single or multiple choice, etc.)
  • Qualitative questions (open-ended, opinion, etc.)
  • Advertisers should ask questions that represent their products and services in the market.
  • Sample question: What nutrition products do you recommend to your patients?

NATA’s Podcast Opportunity!

“The NATA-Cast” the official podcast of NATA! This podcast is a resource for members to access the latest athletic training news and updates and will feature in depth conversations on hot topics in athletic training, updates from NATA leadership and exclusive interviews with thought leaders in the profession.

  • Downloaded in North America, Europe, Asia, South America, Oceania and Africa
  • Top 5 apps where listened to: Apple Podcasts, Buzzsprout, Web, Spotify and Castbox

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Sponsorship: $500

• Pre-Roll advertisement with an introduction by the podcast host

• Mid-Roll advertisement with a 15-second script read by the podcast host (max 40 words)

• Advertiser name on podcast promotion – “brought to you by”  

• Banner ad on website’s podcast landing page for 30 days

Sponsorship with Q&A: $750

• Pre-Roll advertisement with an introduction by the podcast host

• Mid-Roll advertisement with a 90 -120 second pre-recorded Q&A session with the podcast host (270-360 words/script)

• Advertiser name on podcast promotion – “brought to you by”  

• Banner ad on website’s podcast landing page for 30 days

NATA Chats

Chat with NATA about a topic related to ATs with this unique opportunity! Presented as a prerecorded video and uploaded to Facebook, you can have the chance to speak answer to questions that are written by you and approved by NATA for up to 15 minutes.

Rate: $2,500

Promotion Schedule: 1 week out

  • 2 posts on social media – one before, one after
  • 1 mention in Range of Motion

Digital Ad Deadlines

2025 Digital ad deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

Sponsored Eblast Deadlines

Must provide materials two weeks before your send date.

Ad Submission Requirements

  • Send digital ad materials to: [email protected]
  • When emailing us your materials, please include the client acronym in your subject line.
  • All advertisers are subject to review and publisher’s advertising policies.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.

Convention Daily News (CDN)

Distributed to members and convention attendees.
New Orleans on June 25 – 28, 2024 

NATA 2024 metrics:

  • Day 1: 53% open / 37,761 sent
  • Day 2: 56% open / 37,761 sent
  • Day 3: 54% open / 37,761 sent
  • Day 4: 56% open / 37,761 sent

Send dates:

  • CDN 1: June 26
  • CDN 2: June 27
  • CDN 3: June 28
  • Post CDN: July 2

Various ad sizes available in all issues of the CDN eblast distributed during and after NATA 2024.

Ad placements are on a first come, first served basis.

PlacementSizePrice (4x send)
Leaderboard728×90 px$2,175
Banner 1468×60 px$1,975
Skyscraper120×600 px$1,975
Banner 2468×60 px$1,800
Sponsored Content280×195 px image, 5-7 word headline,
100-word description and link to the
article of your choice

Geofencing allows for a perimeter to be set up around the convention, that triggers user interaction when attendees enter the space. By offering hyper-targeted location-based ads, you will capture the attention of attendees at the convention, in their hotels, and even back at their offices after the show. We’re able to capture devices as far back as 12 months ago and as recently as 3 days ago.  Looking to capture other locations, we can do that too!

Geofencing also lets you get the most out of your advertising with powerful analytics, including insights and a demographic report. These reports tell us the consumers’ basic demographic data, visitor frequency, household income, and much more.  

Pricing: $3,000 for 40,000 impressions 


Display banners for both desktop and mobile in the following sizes (JPEG or GIF plus the click-through URL) 

  • 728 x 90 pixels 
  • 300 x 250 pixels 
  • 300 x 600 pixels 
  • 160 x 600 pixels 
  • 320 x 50 pixels 

Convention Social Media

Promote your presence at the NATA convention through NATA’s social media. Posted with an exclusive NATA convention exhibitor frame and the #ATExpo hashtag, you can show attendees how you will make an impact at the annual event.

Facebook (Main Page): 31,000+ followers — NATA1950
X: 29,000+ followers — @NATA1950
Instagram: 14,000+ followers — NATA1950
LinkedIn: 20,000+ followers

1 Facebook post on main NATA page, 1 Instagram post, 1 post on X, 1 post on LinkedIn

Rate: $1,500

Materials Requirements

PlacementFeed Image Dimensions and GuidelinesFeed Ad Character Limits
Facebook• Recommed. News Feed image size: 1200×900 px
• News Feed image ratio: 4:3
• Recommended formats: JPG and PNG
• Text: 90 characters (longer posts may
be truncated on small screens)
• Call to action with URL
X• X in-stream photo: Minimum- 600×335 px; Maximum- 1024×512
• Maximum file size: 5 MB for photos and 3 MB for animated GIFs.
• Text: fewer than 280
• Call to action with URL
Instagram• Instagram photos: width-between 320 and 1080 px
• Aspect ratio: 1.91:1 and 4:5
• 2,200 character limit (truncated at 125)
• Call to action with URL
LinkedIn• Size Limit: 5 MB
• Recommended specs: 1,200 x 627 pixels
• Image ratio: 3:1 to 2:3
• Recommended formats: JPG, GIF, and PNG
• Text: 100 characters (with spaces) recommended; 140 max
• Call to action with URL

Social Media Convention Video Package

Share a commercial before (up to two weeks before) and after (up to two weeks after) the AT Expo through NATA’s social media channels! Posted with an exclusive NATA convention exhibitor frame and the #ATExpo hashtag.

30 second commercial on 1 Facebook post on main NATA page, 1 Instagram post, 1 post on X. Posted once up to two weeks before event and once up to two weeks after event.

Rate: $1,500

Convention Sponsored Blog Post on NATA Now

Average reach: 5,236 visits weekly

Looking for content? Share product details, industry insight from your company’s perspective, or anything relevant to ATs with a sponsored blog post.

NATA convention exhibitors can post with an exclusive NATA convention exhibitor frame!
New Orleans on June 25 – 28, 2024 

Limited to 1 advertiser per week. 

Rate: $2,000

Materials requirements

  • Photo size: 720 x 514 px; 72 dpi
  • Word count: 400-700 
  • Disclaimer that will be used with posts: NATA is not responsible for omissions, misprints, or other proofing errors and does not endorse this advertiser. The opinions expressed in this advertisement are those of the advertiser alone and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of NATA. Statements and data have been provided by the advertiser alone and have not been authenticated.
  • Tag that will be used with posts: Advertorial 
  • All content is subject to review by NATA editorial team.
  • Any facts or statistics must be published in a peer-reviewed publication and cited in the blog post. 
  • The use of the term “trainer” or “training room” instead of “athletic trainer” or “athletic training facility” will not be accepted. 
  • The word “Advertorial” or “Advertisement” must appear on the image. 
  • Blogs must be suitable to publish as-is. NATA is not responsible for any errors in content. 
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. 
  • All materials must be submitted in accordance with published deadlines and must meet criteria stated in advertising policy. 
  • Materials that do not meet stated advertising specifications will be rejected. 
  • Ask your account executive for submission processes and deadlines.

Contact your NATA account
executive for more information

Jeryl Parade

Account Executive
[email protected]

Schedule a Meeting

Rebecca Sieg

Account Executive
[email protected]

Schedule a Meeting

Terms & Conditions

All advertisements are subject to the approval of the Publisher.

Advertiser indemnifies The YGS Group and The National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) against losses or liabilities arising from this advertising. The YGS Group assumes no liability whatsoever, except to the extent of a one-time paid advertisement of the same specification, in the next or similar publication, if any proven or admitted errors or omissions have occurred. Full payment is due net 30 days upon receipt of the invoice. Interest shall be charged at 2% per month compounded to yield 26.82% per year on overdue accounts. A charge of $30.00 will be levied against all returned checks. Revisions to previously submitted ad copy are subject to additional charges. In the event of a contract cancellation, the advertiser/or agency agrees to repay The YGS Group any discounts granted on multiple insertions less any discount applicable for the number of insertions completed in the contract. All cancellations must be received in writing prior to the advertising sales deadline. All premium positions are noncancelable. Prices are net of agency commission. Ads may also appear in an online version of the publication(s). The YGS Group is not responsible for errors if a hard copy proof is not submitted with the electronic file.

Ad Submission Info


  • A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file is required for all ads.
  • Colors must be CMYK. No ICC profiles, RGB, or Pantone colors.
  • Resolution of all photography and scanned illustrations must be at least 300 dpi. Line art should be 600 dpi.
  • Vital copy and images must be at least 1/8” away from trim. Spread ads must have at least 3/8” total gutter.
  • Materials should be submitted without crop marks, but full-page ads should include the required 1/8” bleed.
  • All fonts used must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • Using the bold, italic, or other style keys is not encouraged. Please use the bold or italic version of the font. (For example, instead of making Adobe® Garamond bold with the style key, use the actual font for Adobe® Garamond Bold.)
  • Flatten all layers and set transparency to highest setting.
  • Ads must be suitable to print as-is. Association is not responsible for any errors in content.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Materials that do not meet the stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.


For instructions on how to upload your A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file, click here.


For digital submission please email [email protected] or you may upload directly into our submission portal.

For questions about your ad or the portal or if you need an invite, please reach out to [email protected].

For instructions on how to upload your file, click here.


[email protected]

The YGS Group
3650 West Market Street
York, PA 17404
Tel: 717.505.9701